Do You Have a COVID-19 Vaccine Success Story? NIHB Wants to Hear From You!

About the Campaign

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is requesting COVID-19 vaccination success stories from Tribes, Tribal members, or Tribal organizations. Did your encouragement help a loved one to go get their COVID-19 vaccine? Did you set up a vaccination clinic in your Tribal community? Do you have a fun story about getting your COVID-19 vaccine? Let us know! You can send us a short (less than 60 second) video or a photo and a short description of your story.

Submit your success stories today!

We want to highlight all of the great work being done to vaccinate our Tribal members! NIHB will be sharing your success stories on our social media pages with the goal to inspire those who are unvaccinated to roll up their sleeve and get their COVID-19 vaccines.

To submit your vaccination success story, you can record a short video or send us a photo and a short blurb about your success story, You can upload them to this form or by emailing Darby Galligher at