Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse During a Pandemic: What’s Happening?

June 30, 2020
03:00PM - 04:00PM

All Times Eastern

Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time
The fourth National Indian Health Board (NIHB) Mental and Behavioral Health webinar will explore intimate partner violence (IPV) and child abuse (CA) during the COVID-19 pandemic in American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) communities. The discussion will include general background on IPV and CA in Indian Country; what is unique about COVID-19 that may contribute to IPV and CA risk; resources and suggestions that may help during these extraordinary and stressful times; as well as time for questions and answers with all attendees. This webinar is designed for community members, Tribal health and behavioral health professionals, Tribal leaders, and partners alike.