Lifeline offers a monthly benefit of up to $9.25 toward phone or Internet services for eligible consumers and up to $34.25 for those living on federally-recognized Tribal lands. Additionally, residents of Tribal lands can receive reimbursement for the full cost of starting service with certain phone or Internet companies at their primary residence, up to $100, through Lifeline’s Tribal Link Up program.
Lifeline is committed to serving Tribal consumers to ensure they can navigate the program successfully. To provide Tribal communities with more educational resources about the program, Lifeline has recently published Lifeline’s Tribal Toolkit. This toolkit includes informational material about the program, including an online article, public service announcements, and social media posts. Use this content as a template or post the information directly as is–Tribes are encouraged to translate the information to their communities’ indigenous languages to share more widely.
A Lifeline Tribal Flyer is also available for consumers, which provides information on the benefit, eligibility criteria, and how to apply. For more details on the program, visit Lifeline Support and for more information specific to Tribal consumers, visit Lifeline’s Tribal Lands web page. Additionally, USAC maintains the COVID-19 Response and Lifeline specific COVID-19 Response web pages where you can find updated information on recent program changes for Lifeline and the other three USAC programs to provide relief to consumers during the pandemic.
For questions about the Lifeline Program, requests to learn more, or feedback about the Lifeline’s Tribal resources, email