The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) has developed a quality improvement survey, centering around COVID-19-related challenges that your organization and/or Tribe experienced from July 2020 to February 2021. This survey builds on the previous survey many of you participated in, which helped to inform NIHB’s advocacy and public health work. We greatly appreciate your valued input and look forward to our continued collaboration. NIHB is humbly requesting that Tribal Health Directors please consider completing the survey (linked below) and share any information you can. The purpose of this survey is to understand what has occurred and what is currently taking place on the COVID-19 front lines in the Tribal communities we serve. There is much to learn from our experiences over the past year and NIHB stands ready to listen, learn, and act, according to the wishes of the Tribes.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted significant disparities that exist within Indian Country and how these disparities impacted response efforts. As the domestic outbreak of this pandemic reaches its one-year anniversary, COVID-19 continues to challenge Tribal health care and public health infrastructure and capacity. NIHB is undertaking a retrospective examination Tribal communities response to the pandemic to gain a better understanding of how mobilization, planning, communication, and overall response could have been strengthened and what gaps existed (and may indeed still exist). It is crucial that NIHB continue to hear the stories from Tribal leaders and health officials.